How to improve list rendering performance in a React app? | List Virtualization | Microsoft Frontend Interview Question

Thursday, April 25, 2024

To improve the performance of a list we can use a technique called List Virtualization where we render only the visible items in a list, rather than rendering the entire list at once. This is particularly important when working with large data sets or dynamically changing content.

To achieve list virtualization, we can use a library like React Virtualized or React Window, which efficiently manages the rendering of large lists by dynamically loading and unloading items as needed. By implementing virtualization, we can optimize memory usage and reduce the browser's workload, resulting in smoother scrolling and faster interaction with the application. This not only improves the performance metrics but also positively impacts the user engagement and retention rates. Overall, list virtualization is a powerful technique that we can leverage to enhance the performance and usability of web applications, especially those dealing with large datasets.

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