How to Send Multiple Cookies in a Remix Powered Web App?

Friday, February 11, 2022

In this blog post, we are going to see how can we send multiple cookies to the browser in a Remix powered web app.

Problem Statement

Let us consider the login functionality in a web app. Once the user is successfully authenticated, we want to --

  1. Redirect users to their respective dashboard
  2. Set the session cookie
  3. Set the tracking cookie

Setting up Session and Redirection

We can use Remix's inbuilt utilities to manage the session and redirect.

import { createCookieSessionStorage, redirect } from "remix";

const storage = createCookieSessionStorage({ ... });

export async function createUserSession(userId) {
  const session = await storage.getSession();
  session.set("userId", userId);

  return redirect('/dashboard');

In the function createUserSession, we get the session, set the userId, and redirect the user to the dashboard route.

Setting Cookies

  1. The HTTP helper redirect provided by Remix takes an object as the second parameter where we can set different options like status, headers, and so on. Let us use that to send the Set-Cookie header with the session cookie as the value.

return redirect('/dashboard', {
  headers: {
    'Set-Cookie': await storage.commitSession(session)

We are now redirecting the user to the dashboard and also setting the session cookie to keep them logged in.

  1. Now, we want to set the tracking cookie. We can try doing the same thing as the session cookie and set another Set-Cookie header.

return redirect('/dashboard', {
  headers: {
    'Set-Cookie': await storage.commitSession(session),
    'Set-Cookie': 'user_tracking_id=e8bb43229de9; Max-Age=2592000; Path=/; Secure; SameSite=Lax'

However, the above code snippet introduces a new problem. The most recent Set-Cookie key would overwrite the previous ones.

Resolving Same Header Key Issue

We can resolve the above-mentioned problem by using the Headers() constructor. We can create a new instance of the Headers object, append keys to it, and send it to the client.


const headers = new Headers();
headers.append("Set-Cookie", await storage.commitSession(session));
headers.append('Set-Cookie': 'user_tracking_id=e8bb43229de9; Max-Age=2592000; Path=/; Secure; SameSite=Lax');

return redirect('/dashboard', {

This resolves our problem and both cookies would be stored in the user browser! 🙌

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